Be extremly specific about yourself, the room, when and how they will have access to the rest of the house, and what you consider acceptable behavior. You should know more about this person than if you were going on your second date. Smoker, drinker, pets, and visitors policies should all be spelled out. And make sure your agreement gives you reasonable rights to kick them out if they violate the rules, or it turns out they lied to you when seeking the room.Advice of renting a room in my house?
References,2 Months Deposit %26amp; state your conditions i.e bills extra? inclusive? quiet person required no weird parties etc, etc.
you might first of all make sure if it is legal to rent from your home ........ some citys have zoning laws that dont allow it
good luck
personal advice, don't, unless you have a way to lock away everything in your house.
but do a complete back ground search, criminal, and credit check. And get a professional rental agreement. But be aware if they stop paying and just loaf around your house, it can take a couple of months to get them out.
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