Thursday, August 19, 2010

Any advice on getting my baby to bottlefeed from breastfeed?

I will be going back to work in two weeks and i constantly breastfeed my baby but I want her to start getting on the bottle with breastmilk. How can I change that.?It has been trouble for me. Not stupid answers just good advice.Any advice on getting my baby to bottlefeed from breastfeed?
We started with the more expensive natural nipple like bottles. Make sure you get the right size as well. You may kneed to get one or even two sizes up because i have found that in my babies the easier the milk comes out the more they are satisfied. Some times i even made the holes a little bigger, but not to big that they choke: just be observant!. Then you need to get a breast milk pump and store the milk in containers in ur refrigerator or store in freezer. Put your breast milk in the bottles. As you go, put the tip of the nipple in the babies mouth, with a little breast milk coming out and the baby will begin to lick the nipple of the bottle because they taste the same breast milk that came out of you. Keep offering it to your baby and slowly ween them off of you. If you run out of breast milk later as the baby get older, mix it with some formula. Hopes this helps, God Bless.Any advice on getting my baby to bottlefeed from breastfeed?
Been there, done that. As long as you are available, your baby will want you. Try leaving the house for a while and having someone else feed her. If that doesn't work, don't stress it. My son refused the bottle, and drank just fine at daycare. He saw the other babies with the bottle, and when he was hungry, he ate. It took a couple days to get him drinking a good amount, but it worked out in the end.

Even when you go back to work, your baby can still nurse when you are around.
You should have started trying to give her a bottle several weeks ago. Two weeks really isn't much time. Check at Babies R Us. They have bottle nipples at are as close to breasts as you can get, but I forget what the name of them is. Check their website. Also, when feeding the expressed milk have someone else give the bottle. If you are trying she will refuse because she knows where the milk comes from. Have the person giving the bottle to her dip the nipple in the expressed milk so she smells it.
try platex nursers, or a differnt type than you have been, also as others said, have someone else give her the bottle. my kids hated bottles, but when they get hungry enough they will eat.
It鈥檚 probably because you are doing the feeding. If you are in the room or trying to give her a bottle, of course she won鈥檛 take it from you! She wants the real deal! Try getting your partner to do it, or grandma. You should probably even leave the house.

Some babies are better with bottles than others. My second was always picky, but he caught on eventually.

They also don鈥檛 like it if you cradle them as if they were nursing. Have your partner feed the baby by facing them and holding the bottle. Anyway, babies usually get the hang of it within a week or so. I can鈥檛 ever give my second a bottle, though, someone else always has to.

If you end up having a super-picky baby, they will sometimes take expressed milk from a dropper or a small cup (like a Dixie cup and they lap at it.) Good luck!

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