Tuesday, November 22, 2011

What advice can you offer to me, a homeless person?

Hello. Someone please give me their advice. I am adult incapable of sustaining an income. I don't do drugs or alcohol, but I have been diagnosed with mental disorder known as paranoia schizophrenia.

Being evicted from my apartment soon, I have no where to go. All I want in life is to wake up knowing where I'm going to sleep and that'll have food on the table for the day. Please someone, offer me advice to get my situation improved, I do not know if surviving homelessness is within my capabilities anymore.What advice can you offer to me, a homeless person?
Don't you get disability money? Why don't you apply? I am sure they will help you if your schizophrenic What advice can you offer to me, a homeless person?
I guess you should contact SRS or the state, you can always contact your local police department and they can hook you up with information on how to get on HUD housing

If you are collecting social security disability, please contact your local office as soon as possible to get hooked up with HUD housing. Here in Kansas, a lady that has schizophrenia rents a home for $11.00 a month but I don't know how much it would be for you

Google HUD housing in your area, there are plenty of ways to get hooked up with foodstamps and such. Find your nearest WIC office (Yes, I know that it is Women Infants and Children, but they are hooked up with the state and they can help you find a local office thqat will help you with foodstamps, shelter, and so on

Use your google search engine and find out stuff
There are plenty of resources in every community. There are always people willing to help. Are you willing to try/take meds to help control the p. schizophrenia? It may take time but you can get an apt./pt-time work, assistance. Start by contacting the United Way or any mental health facility, in your area, for recommendations.
1) Go the link below and pick up a copy of the Way To Happiness booklet.

2) Read it and review how you are conducting your own life against that standard.

3) Pick the precept that you feel you have screwed up the most and do something today to improve it.

4) Continue to do 3) and change your life.

There definitely is a successful way to live your life and you can do it.


Find a nice box to live in before they are all taken.

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