A friend offered me today a 35 gallon tank, i will need to clean the lime residues on the inside and also get the lights and cover for it. Can you please provide advice as far as the cleaning of the lime residues and the material needed are concerned! Also I'm planning on purchasing fresh water fishes for a start, fishes easy to care for and that wont get too big for their environment. Your advices will be strongly appreciated! Thank you.What advice would you give to someone who just got his first fish tank.?
Research everything before you do anything. Seriously.
Read up on how to do a fishless cycle, and what it is. I don't have any links handy for that, but here's a link that explains what the cycle aka: nitrogen cycle is:
Type of fish depends on what you want. No fish is really easy per se, they'll all require the same minimal care, with a few more sensitive and more expensive species require a bit more care. A 35 gallon is a decent sized tank, especially to start out. A single fancy goldfish would be fine for that sized tank, or if you want a few more smaller ones, look into some of the community types of fish-tetras, danios, rasboras, hatchets, livebearers, gouramis, etc. There's a lot out there. Check out fish profile sites to get an idea of compatibility, basic care requirements, tank size recommendations, and size of the fish as adults. Here's a few I have saved:
For the mineral deposits, you can try scrubbing it with some vinegar and water and a brush, or even try gently scraping it with a razor blade. It's usually hard to get off, especially if it's been there awhile.What advice would you give to someone who just got his first fish tank.?
Most important is to cycle your tan before adding your fish, though you can add hardy fish like barbs and tetras to help cycle your tank. It usually takes 6-8 weeks. Make sure you use dechlorinator when you put your water in the tank and also when you do water changes.
You will also need to replace your the bacteria when you do water changes.
well for the lime, its all about the sponge u use, harsh chemicals should only be used as a last resort. just because left over chemicals can harm the fish, so use it as a last resort and get different kind of sponges to get rid of the lime. ok after getting the light hood, top, gravel, fish, and more, u should let the tank set for about a week, after a week has past go out and buy some fish, but just a few. after a another week keep buying more and keep repeating till u have the right amount of fish.
tikitiki gave an excellent answer. To study the nitrogen cycle, how it works and how to establish it in your aquarium go to www.fishlore.com. They also have excellent info on most commonly available topical fish that outlines each fish's physiology, habits, and habitat requrements.
Wow 35 gallon is big and to clean it its easy just wipe it down and dry it WITH NO Windex or anything the fishes water will be poisend use Aqua safe you just put some in and then in a day it will be cleaned you need filter heater gravel Fake plants decorations for them, they'll be happy with that.
Research any fish you buy. Learn their tollerances and aggressiveness. too many people buy fish with out know -ing a thing about them and complain when something goes wrong. Vinegar is a great way to remove lime. Check out liveaquaria.com they will tell you how big they get as well as how to care for them.
vinegar or a natural cleaner get rocks filter clean water nitrogen is bad and cmmonia, but whatever fish live longer, i have flatlike white fish and a catfish lives through it all, maybe some plants as well
vinegar didnt help me with my lime residue.
only thing i did to get it off was by scraping it with a razor blade.
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