Saturday, August 21, 2010

Needing advice for my friend, who was recently served a noise disturbance for a dog?

If they plea no contest, isn't that essentially an admission of guilt?

Isn't that the job a dogs to bark, when someone is near your property?Needing advice for my friend, who was recently served a noise disturbance for a dog?
A bark here or there is not a problem , It is when the dog barks all the time and the owner does nothing to quite him/her. It is the dog owners responsibility to make sure the dog is not disturbing the peace.

There is a guy in town who's dog is always barking. In the last month and 1/2 he has received 4 citations and fines of $150 for each citation plus court cost. Pretty steep price to pay for a dog barking, when all the owner had to do is go see what the problem is, tell the dog to be quiet or bring it in the house.Needing advice for my friend, who was recently served a noise disturbance for a dog?
not really but he will be fined most cities have it that if a dog barks too loud or too long u can be cited i know the feeling i fought and one my dog was prevoked the neighbor would tease so he could call the cops
Dogs bark yes, however, you should not allow your dog to bark for hours on end, expecially after certain hours. The dog should be brought inside, or given an activity to do to distract it from barking.

I dont know all the legal mumbo-jumbo, you may want to ask in the legal section.
Go to the legal section..they will be able to help you more than we can.

Good luck.
If your friend is not contestiong the ticket, then it may not mean that he is guilty, but the judge (if he goes in front of one) may ask him if he is.. but it's unlikely. Often, pleading guilty will get you a much lighter fine than if you try to fight it. A dog's responsibility is to be a family member, and inside with the pack. If the neighbors have an audio recording of the dog's barking.. and it is deemed excessive, then the owner needs to keep his dog quite at all costs.. it's no fun to live near a constantly barking dog, whether it be during the day or night
They are guilty for letting it get to the point that they had to be served! Try a bark collar to train the dog when it's okay to bark and when it's not.
Most dogs bark for one of three reasons.

They are bored;

They are lonely;

They see or hear something to bark at.

A plea of no contest isn't an admission of guilt or innocence. It's just a plea saying that you aren't going to fight the allegations but you aren't going to say that you did the deed either.

Sometimes neighbors can be very vindictive and it's not necessarily about the barking dog either.

Some of the easier ways to prevent problem barking is to keep the dog exercised and confined in such a way that he isn't seeing things to bark at. In severe or chronic cases a bark collar might have to be considered. I'm sorry that your friend is having a hard time.
I take it the dog must be an outdoor dog. If the dog is barking uncontrollably all night, then yes it would be a disturbance to those around who are trying to sleep. Maybe they should consider bringing their dog indoors for a while until it blows over.
I love animals and have had them all my life. There are people who do leave there dogs outside in the yard all night and wake people up, including my grandson who is 2, and it can become quite a nuisance. I wouldnt turn the people in, but i did speak to them about it. You do have a dog sometimes for protection, but if someone is trying to break into your house from the front, how is the dog gonna help if its in the yard? I would suggest that your friend start taking the dog inside when its starts to bark. Good luck

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