Thursday, July 29, 2010

Can anyone give me any tips or advice on how to quit smoking?

Cigarettes of course. I've been addicted for about a year now and cant seem to be able to kick the habit. I tried to stop cold turkey twice and did for a couple weeks then picked back up. Anyone have any personal experience tips, or advice?Can anyone give me any tips or advice on how to quit smoking?
cold turkey is just setting yourself up for failure.

i would recommend you try smoking clove cigarettes (djarum blacks are good) for a couple of weeks, just so have something to satisfy that habit and addiction.

after that, ease back and try the patch, which is just the thing you see in commercials that gives you a small dose of nicotine throughout the day to help you stave off cravings. the clove cigarettes are so that you can smoke a much milder cigarette just to wean yourself away from having a lit something in your mouth.Can anyone give me any tips or advice on how to quit smoking?
When you crave a cigarette, wait 5 minutes and the craving should wear off. Or busy yourself with something else to make yourself stop thinking about smoking. Also, don't buy packs of cigarettes. This will help you quit because you won't always have a pack in your pocket or purse, making smoking more difficult because you need to find someone to bum one from. Eventually you will be fine without smoking and you won't have cravings anymore.
Males are more successful in cold turkey quitting. Your best chances are to join a stop-smoking group such as the American Lung Association sponsored group. Some of the ready benefits are regular meetings and having a support group. The group leader will provide all kinds of tips to help you succeed including initially going to milder smokes, locking up your pack, substituting carrot sticks or chewing gum, exercise etc. to postpone the urge. Good luck to a healthier lifestyle. You'll never regret it.
Smoking entails a strong oral fixation, so simply having something in your mouth other than a smoke, such as a piece of candy or gum, might help. You might also try Nicorette gum or the patch to help with the nicotine cravings.

In the end, though, it all boils down to one thing: not lighting up. That's always going to be the hard part, and unfortunately, there's no surefire way around it. Self-discipline, perseverance, and the support of those who care about your health will go a long way toward quitting successfully.
Try drinking a lot of milk, makes the ciggy taste horrible. There is also a new product on the market, not sure of the name but you have to get it from your doctor, it dramatically reduces cravings but is along effective the first time u use it because your body becomes immune to it. Apart from that you have to just try as hard as possible, its not easy and it rarely works the first time you try it but keep trying, you will get there eventually.
There are many ways though they don't all work for everyone. Try the gum or patch. If that doesn't work then substitute smoking for another habit. A friend of mine quit by eating candy instead, another switched to sodas, and one even tried sunflower seeds. True this isn't the healthiest method out there, but it has been somewhat effective. Good luck!
Got anyone important in your life that looks up and idolizes you? Ex. Your neices/nephews? Strive to become the best influence as you can to them
Try the patch...

Or try to quit cold and when you get the urge...chew on a piece of gum.

Try not to drink either...some people start smoking this way.
have someone hide your ID so you cant buy any??

but seriously, just make sure you get away from anyone who smokes for awhile, it will just make you wanna smoke
Whatever device you use ( gum, patches, etc) you should do it cold turkey. Just ask yourself, How long do I want to live?
doctor prescribed zyban,in four days i walked away from ciggarettes and never wanted another one,this is the real cure!
if you have the iphone get the app IQUIT u will be suprised on how much money u will save if u dont buy cigarettes
nicorette gum and all that will help wean you get some people to help

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