Turps .
Nothing abrasive as it will mean stains later on!!
Have you tried a wall paper steamer?
Good luckAdvice please on how to remove quality control sticker from new basin - it refuses to budge!?
you rent a wallpeper steamer. most likley you ALREADY have a hairdryer
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The hardware store, walmart, target, etc has a product called goo-be-gone that works wonderfully.
soak it in some oil and it should come off, then to get rid of the tack from the glue, put some zippo lighter fluid on there (the one people use for bbq's) and it will eat through the glue and then just wipe it off.
GooBGone! It comes in a yellow bottle and is available pretty much anywhere but a grocery or clothing store (so hardware, drug, or general store like Target or Wal-mart). This stuff can combat anything!
if it's papery use a wet sponge to soak it.
if it's plasticy, use a wet sponge to soak it.
if there's resin scrape it off with something hard but not sharp.
Turps, wd40, acetone???
It will come off with water and a soap pad such as Brillo.
Try lighter fluid (petrol) or methylated spirit.
use the old fashioned remedy get ya wife to scrub it off with her teeth.. ha ha
try baby oil
Hi had this problem a few months ago i used washing up liquid it came of a treat, good luck.
Soak it with warm soapy water. This will remove the outer paper but the glue might have to be scraped off. But use something plastic. White spirits might help with the glue too.
hairdryer , it will loosen the glue and peal off
Try turpitine, or something like that. Use a razor to scrape it off. Be carefull not to scratch the basin though.
Lighter fuel or other organic solvent (turps, acetone).
yes, this sounds silly but put some sun cream on a cloth n rub the sticker, it will peel off n to get rid of the sun cream just wash it wish soapy water.
it works for me, hope it does for you.
pier one sells this stuff. Its like an oily base. Works all the time.
Goof off can work
In order of preference:
Isopropyl alcohol (called rubbing alcohol)
Nail Polish remover
and finally a razor blade
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