Thursday, July 29, 2010

Advice on blocking out party noise from neighbours?

We've been in our new house 9 months and since day 2 our neghbours have had parties. After speaking to them on several occasions we had to report them to the local council about there noise. Anyway we are dreading this summer as we know the parties will start again and would like some advice about how to drown out the noise, we have a two year and are worried they will wake her up as she is already a poor sleeper. We don't know wether to install triple glazing or what? Any advice would be appreciated.Advice on blocking out party noise from neighbours?
Isolate your self from the wall use rubber matting to absorb the sound waves.


Cheeper.Advice on blocking out party noise from neighbours?
Do what I did and throw bricks through their window.
record the noise they make and play it back the following morning- early when they have hangovers- or record your daughter crying and play it through their letter box in the wee small hours-
The best way is to take them to court. You'll need evidence in the form of video and audio to prove your case.

Letters from attorneys and subpoenas for court appearances are a good attention getter. Get a few sent to them, they'll surely lower the volume quickly after that.
play load music yourself from 6am to 10 am.
call the police everytime they have a party.get a partition going on the street to have them kicked out of the neighborhood you can do that if you get enough signatures they can be evicted from there home.thant's what i would do.there is a law after a certain time they can't have the music on i don't know what time it is were you are but in usa it is 10 oclock.or the police will come.find out what time they can have there music on by law and keep calling the council or police i don't know what you call them are you in england.

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