We're going to make sure that we make his room sorted before any others, and keep all of his stuff in vaguely the same place etc, but does anyone have any advice on what we can do to make it a smooth, easy move for him?
He's 10 months old.What advice would you give to make moving easier for a young baby?
Don't worry so much, he will be fine.
Look at making the move as easy for yourself stressed parents make stressed babies.
You are right to put his room straight first and familiar things etc. Cook something for his tea that he really likes and I know you will want to get things straight but try and focus on him as much as possible - in the normal sense - don't make an issue. I would avoid bath time on your first night.
Don't make major changes to anything else in his life. ie don't start five new toddler groups or leave him with strangers all in the same week!! (not that you'll have the energy)
Remember that this is going to be your home so relax and he will to - don't do a grand tour and expect him to take it all in at once. When he starts walking he will be into everything!
Good luck with the moveWhat advice would you give to make moving easier for a young baby?
My twins were about a year when they started walking, so you have your hands full! Glad the move went fairly smoothly thanks for picking my answer. Enjoy your new home
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At 10 months he's hardly going to notice so I wouldn't worry too much, as long as the people he knows are there he will be ok :)
Make sure that his room is as prepared as possible. Have some toys and other things scattered about so that he feels more at home. Also, as much as you can, maintain meal schedules and things like that. The closer you stay to the way things were before the move, the easier it'll be for your and your son.
Good luck with your move. It's not easy. It never is.
he'll be fine. tell him that your going on an adventure and he'll be happy make it positive
Could you paint his room the same colour as he has now? Tell him you are moving, he can understand more than you think. Tell him what to expect and show him where you will be sleeping, so that he can see you are close.
keep him close to you and make sure you spend a lot of time on him and attention, good luck with the move xx
We moved for the very first time when my son was 12 months old. It was our first time living alone without my husbands parents. We bought our son a new stuffed animal to sleep with at night and when we moved on the first night we told him that his new room was a very special room and we also got him a night light that he picked out himself. He slept very soundly that first night. Of course now that he is three years old he refuses to sleep in his own room. Good Luck. P.S. One thing to do is to make moving day an adventure instead of making it stessful though I know moving is always stressful
Put him in a box marked ' This way up'
we just moved as we would have done anyway are daughter was the same age we had no problems at all
try to decorate his room as much as possible to be similar to how his old room was.
When we moved, my kids had their own rooms for the first time, they loved it actually. But we made their usual toys were near them there .
Tell him to keep his back straight and bend at the knees old bean. Tip top.
Have the baby move with some adults.
No, no. A serious answer to a serious question. Okay. Hire a counselor and sit down with him and the counselor and explain that you got thrown out of your apartment.....no, no.
I think the baby will be fine. Just have all his toys handy and accessible.
Babies actually handle moves quite easily so long as they have their favorite blankie and that there isn't a draft or weird noise going on.
#1. can anyone watch him when you are physically moving things?
#2. get his room set up ASAP.
#3. he's only 10 months old. he's not going to be any more confused because it's a different house.
#4. the move might not be smooth for any or you.
just pay attention to him, and get things going in the same routine as normal. if you can have someone watch him during the day, it'll go faster and easier.
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