Any advice on using fenugreek to increase my milk supply?
Is it safe for me and my baby? What are the side effects? Can anyone tell me there experiences with it? Also, where can you find them besides online? Also, does anyone have any other advice on how to increase my milk supply? I pump for my baby, but it is not enough to feed him. I have tried extra pumping, eating oatmeal, and drinking lots of water, but my milk supply is always low. Sometimes I can make just enough, but after a while it will drop again. Right now it is so bad that I am only making half of what he eats. I don't want to stop breastfeeding and I don;t want him to have any formula, but I am getting really frustrated with my supply. Please tell me about fenugreek or other ways to increase my milk supply!Any advice on using fenugreek or any other ways to increase my milk supply?
I used fenugreek. You need to take a lot of it to make a difference. Three capsules/ three times a day. Taking Blessed Thistle with it also helps. When your sweat and urine begin to smell of maple syrup - you know you are taking enough. If you begin to have loose stools or stomach cramps, ease up on it. I never had any negative side effects. You can get it from a local healthfood store, even walmart.
domperidone is a prescription drug that helps increase milk supply as well.
Pumping is not an indicator of how much milk you have. The baby is much more efficient at getting milk out and supporting the supply. Moms who choose, can pump milk and never put the baby to the breast, but it is an uphill battle as the pump doesn't stimulate the supply the same way and you can lose the supply.
The first rule is to feed the baby. Even if you have to give some formula its okay. Any amount of breastmilk is going to be beneficial for the baby!Any advice on using fenugreek or any other ways to increase my milk supply?
Lots of great advice here already!
I'd love to know how old baby is. Your milk supply will be much better with baby at the breast than using a pump. Baby is much more efficient than the pump. Also, baby will stimulate your body to make more milk.
Take the fenugreek as suggested - be sure you smell like maple syrup. It works. RELAX. Drink lots of water and Mother's Milk Tea (health food store) - which I love with Splenda.
What makes you think your milk supply is low?
Spend the weekend with baby in bed. Snuggle, nurse lying on your side, rest, nurse some more. Take a warm bath together. Listen to lullabies. Nurse %26amp; nurse. You can also try the 1-2-1 switch: Get baby nursing until you let down, sontinue for a minute, switch to the other breast, then switch back to the first breast when he seems done or before he falls asleep.
Is there a lactation consultant from the hospital that you can call? I just don't want you to be fretting about milk supply if it's not really low.
Good luck and have a beautiful MILK BUILDING weekend with your baby.
I have never heard of that before but I was told by many to drink a beer before I went to bed at night and it really worked for me. ZI didn't do it all the time just once in a while and my midwife said it was perfectly safe.
I hate beer but it worked so i'd just hold my nose while I sipped on it! LOL
Do you only pump? Try putting baby to the breast %26amp; frequently, he will be much better at getting all the milk out, especially the good fatty hindmilk. Plus the extra stimulation will help increase supply. Even if it's just for a few sips between ';meals.';
Fenugreek - take at least 2 capsules, 3 times per day. Mother's milk tea has fenugreek in it too... drink as much of that as your taste buds can handle! (I think it's yucky, but some like it). The only real side effect is that you smell like maple syrup. Blessed thistle is another good herbal remedy. Oatmeal... I've found that the best oatmeal is the maple/brown sugar flavored packets... because it's naturally flavored w/ fenugreek!!
this is the most comprehensive link... there's a lot of links on it, but worth the time to sort through:鈥?/a>鈥?/a>
Try a La Leche League group too. Also an IBCLC (International Board Certified Lactation Consultant) they really know their stuff. Lactation nurses are helpful, but not extensively trained.
I have used Fenugreek, in fact just stopped using it because we are weaning my daughter from the breast.
As with anything there are potential side effects. Please check out this information:鈥?/a>
. I took it in pill form, and bought it in the natural/organic section of my grocery store! If you can't find it in your grocery store, try to find a natural or organic market, they will surely carry it. I never had any problems with it, nor did my daughter.
It increased my milk supply after one day of taking fact so much, that I had to taper what I took from day to day because the spray was incredible :) Bad for a breast Mom, but GREAT for a pump Mom!!! (I have done both). Give it a shot. Its very inexpensive, and the pill is better than the tea. The tea obviously isn't as potent as the pill form.
Best of luck, and give it a shot!!! My cousin used it for two years to extend BF her son. We are weaning only because of trying to conceive again. However, with the fenugreek, it I didn't want to, I wouldn't have to.
Best of luck!!!
I was a young first time mom with my daughter and i had a hard time, were hoping baby number two will be beter ok so brewers yeat is a good one, mothermilk tea and of course one thing that made a difference i had the depo shot it actually lowers production too. ask your doctor make sure your not over exerting either.
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